
Sunday, 14 June 2015

More About Constructor

Static Constructors

Constructors can also be declared static. While an instance constructor initializes each new instance of a class, a static constructor initializes items at the class level. Generally, static constructors initialize the static fields of the class.
  • Static constructors are like instance constructors in the following ways:
    • The name of the static constructor must be the same as the name of the class.
    • The constructor cannot return a value.
  • Static constructors are unlike instance constructors in the following ways:
    • Static constructors use the static keyword in the declaration.
    • There can only be a single static constructor for a class, and it cannot have parameters.
    • Static constructors cannot have accessibility modifiers.
Other important things you should know about static constructors are the following:
  • A class can have both a static constructor and instance constructors.
  • Like static methods, a static constructor cannot access instance members of its class and cannot use the this accessor.
  • You cannot explicitly call static constructors from your program. They’re called automatically by the system, at some time
    • Before any instance of the class is created
    • Before any static member of the class is referenced
Use below syntax to create static constructor
class [Class Name]
 static [Class Name]()
  ... // Do all the static initializations.

It's a little bit confusing, but lets take a look to example code
class RandomNumberClass
 private static Random RandomKey;  //Private static field
 static RandomNumberClass()    //Static constructor
  Console.WriteLine("static RandomNumberClass Constructor");
  RandomKey = new Random();   //Initialize RandomKey
 public RandomNumberClass()   //Non-Static constructor
  Console.WriteLine("non-static RandomNumberClass Constructor");

 public int GetRandomNumber()
  return RandomKey.Next();
class Program
 static void Main()
  RandomNumberClass a = new RandomNumberClass();
  RandomNumberClass b = new RandomNumberClass();
  Console.WriteLine("Next Random #: {0}", a.GetRandomNumber());
  Console.WriteLine("Next Random #: {0}", b.GetRandomNumber());

The code will display:
static RandomNumberClass Constructor
non-static RandomNumberClass Constructor
non-static RandomNumberClass Constructor
Next Random #: 2033553409
Next Random #: 160144755

Line RandomNumberClass a = new RandomNumberClass(); this code invoke the non-static constructor. But system will invoke the static constructor just before the command is executed. So in the display will output: "static RandomNumberClass Constructor", then "non-static RandomNumberClass Constructor".
Line This code invoke the non-static constructor. But different from prior command, system will not call static constructor no more. So, the display will only shows: "non-static RandomNumberClass Constructor";
Line Calls GetRandomNumber(), will return random number. Your output may be different from mine.

Object Initializers

Object initializer extends the constructor syntax by placing a list of member initializations at the end of the expression. An object initializer allows you to set the values of fields and properties when creating a new instance of an object.

Use following syntax to initialize object:
new [Type Name] ([Parameter List]){[Field or Property] = [Value],...,[Field or Property] = [Value]}

Important things to know about object initializers are the following:
  • The fields and properties being initialized must be accessible to the code creatingthe object.
  • The initialization occurs after the constructor has finished execution, so the values might have been set in the constructor and then reset to the same or a different value in the object initialize.
For example:
class circle
 private const float PI = 3.416F;
 public int radius;                  //should be accessible for object initializer
 public string color;                //should be accessible for object initializer

 public float getArea()
  return PI * radius * radius;

 public void showCircle()
  Console.WriteLine("radius: " + radius + " color: " + color + " area:" + getArea());

class Program
 static void Main()
  circle circle1 = new circle() { radius = 20, color = "yellow" } ;
  circle circle2 = new circle() { radius = 5, color = "blue" };

  Console.WriteLine("showing circle1");
  Console.WriteLine("showing circle2");

The code will display:
showing circle1
radius: 20 color: yellow area:1366,4
showing circle2
radius: 5 color: blue area:85,39999


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