
Sunday, 28 June 2015



An array is a collection of objects, all of the same type. Arrays are also indexed, meaning that the language provides a way for you to say "Get me the third item in the array". Indexing also means that the items in the array are stored in a specific order, which further means that you can loop through the contents of the array in order.

The following are some important general facts about C# arrays:
  • Once an array is created, its size is fixed. C# does not support dynamic arrays.
  • Array indexes are 0-based. That is, if the length of a dimension is n, the index values range from 0 to n – 1. For example, following figures shows the dimensions and lengths of two example arrays.
One-dimensional array, int[5]
- Rank: 1
- Length: 5
Two-dimensional Array, int[3,6]
- Rank: 2
- Length: 18

Types of Arrays

C# provides two kinds of arrays:
  • One-dimensional arrays can be thought of as a single line, or vector, of elements.
  • Multidimensional arrays are composed such that each position in the primary vector is itself an array, called a subarray. Positions in the subarray vectors can themselves be subarrays.
    • Rectangular arrays:
      • Are multidimensional arrays where all the subarrays in a particular dimension have the same length
      • Always use a single set of square brackets, regardless of the number of dimensions
        int x = myArray2[4, 6, 1] // One set of square brackets
    • Jagged arrays:
      • Are multidimensional arrays where each subarray is an independent array
      • Can have subarrays of different lengths
      • Use a separate set of square brackets for each dimension of the array
        jagArray1[2][7][4] // Three sets of square brackets

Array As an Object

An array instance is an object whose type derives from class System.Array. Since arrays are derived from this BCL base class, they inherit a number of useful members from it, such as the following:
Member Type Lifetime Meaning
Rank Property Instance Gets the number of dimensions of the array
Length Property Instance Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the array
GetLength Method Instance Returns the length of a particular dimension of the array
Clear Method Static Sets a range of elements to 0 or null
Sort Method Static Sorts the elements in a one-dimensional array
BinarySearch Method Static Searches a one-dimensional array for a value, using binary search
Clone Method Instance Performs a shallow copy of the array—copying only the elements, both for arrays of value types and reference types
IndexOf Method Static Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in a one-dimensional array
Reverse Method Static Reverses the order of the elements of a range of a onedimensional array
GetUpperBound Method Instance Gets the upper bound at the specified dimension

Arrays are reference types, and as with all reference types, they have both a reference to the data and the data object itself. The reference is either on the stack or in the heap, and the data object itself is always in the heap.

Instantiating and Assigning Arrays

Once an array is declared, you can immediately fill its values using a comma-delimited list of items enclosed within a pair of curly braces. Following code is way to instantiating and assigning one-dimensional array:
string[] languages = { "C#", "COBOL", "Java","C++", "Visual Basic", "Pascal","Fortran", "Lisp", "J#"};
string[] languages = new string[]{"C#", "COBOL", "Java", "C++", "Visual Basic", "Pascal", "Fortran", "Lisp", "J#" };
string[] languages = new string[9]{"C#", "COBOL", "Java", "C++", "Visual Basic", "Pascal", "Fortran", "Lisp", "J#"};
string[] languages;
languages = new string[9];    //defining size at runtime
Console.WriteLine(languages[1]); //accessing array item 

Following code is way to instantiating and assigning rectangular array:
int[,] cells = {{1, 0, 2},{1, 2, 0},{1, 2, 1}};
int[,] cells = new int[,]{ { 1, 0, 2 }, { 1, 2, 0 }, { 1, 2, 1 } };
int[,] cells = new int[3,3]{ { 1, 0, 2 }, { 1, 2, 0 }, { 1, 2, 1 } };
int[,] cells;
cells = new [3,3];      //defining size at runtime
Console.WriteLine(cells[2, 2]);   //accessing array item 

And here's code for instantiating and assigning jagged array:
int[][] cells = new int[4][] { new int[] { 1, 0, 2, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, new int[] { 1 } };
int[][] cells = { new int[] { 1, 0, 2, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 2 }, new int[] { 1 } };
int[][] cells;
cells = new int[4][];      //defining size at runtime
cells[0] =  new int[] { 1, 0, 2, 0 };  //defining size at runtime 
cells[1] = new int[] { 1, 2, 0 };   //defining size at runtime
cells[2] =  new int[] { 1, 2 };    //defining size at runtime
cells[3] =  new int[] { 1 } ;    //defining size at runtime
Console.WriteLine(cells[1][1]);    //accessing array item 

Rectangular Vs Jagged Arrays

The structure of rectangular and jagged arrays is significantly different. For example, following figure shows the structure of a rectangular three-by-three array, as well as a jagged array of three one-dimensional arrays of length 3.
The rectangular array has a single array object, while the jagged array has four array objects.

One-dimensional arrays have specific instructions in the CIL that allow them to be optimized for performance. Rectangular arrays do not have these instructions and are not optimized to the same level. Because of this, it can sometimes be more efficient to use jagged arrays of one-dimensional arrays—which can be optimized— than rectangular arrays, which cannot.
On the other hand, the programming complexity can be significantly less for a rectangular array because it can be treated as a single unit, rather than an array of arrays.

foreach Statement

The foreach statement allows you to sequentially access each element in an array. It’s actually a more general construct in that it also works with other collection types as well.

The important points of the foreach statement are the following:
  • The iteration variable is a temporary variable of the same type as the elements of the array. The foreach statement uses the iteration variable to sequentially represent each element in the array.
  • The syntax of the foreach statement is shown below
foreach( [Type] [Identifier] in [ArrayName] )

foreach( var [Identifier] in [ArrayName] )

See following example:
static void Main(string[] args)
 string[] languages = new string[9] { "C#", "COBOL", "Java", "C++", "Visual Basic", "Pascal", "Fortran", "Lisp", "J#" };
 foreach (string language in languages)


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